Halloween party ideas 2015

Kocher is a scissors-shaped surgical instrument that serves to clamp / hold hard tissue such as fascia and soft tissues such as the peritoneum.

kocher instrumen bedah, penjepit bedah
Kocher crooked
Kocher sharply toothed edges on one side. Functioning clamping and holding that the network is not easily separated. Kocher instrument is very important in some types of surgery. Like, mastectomy surgery, laparotomy and thyroidectomy.

instrumen bedah, alat bedah
Kocher straight

Kocher instrument name taken from the name of a Swiss surgeon nationality, namely Emil Theodor Kocher.

Emil Theodor Kocher find many surgical techniques, instruments and tools used in surgery. So that one of the names of surgical instruments, taken from his name, which Kocher.

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